As I am turning more and more into a green witch, we created this set of four books, especially for green witches – and yes, I admit it, I love creating and using our own books! We offer four different books: a garden planner, a plant lore journal, a notebook and a little book for field notes.
My Witch Garden Planner
This planner will help you to keep records, plan for the next weeks and months ahead! You can record the following things in this planner:

- Seed and tool inventory
- Budget and expenses
- Garden design and space for pictures
- Seed planting and transplanting schedule
- Catalogs to order
- Wishlist for seeds, plants, trees, bushes and flowers
- Yearly tasks
- 12 monthly tasks pages
- 52 weekly task pages
- 4 pages problem log
- 11 pages for taking notes
- Plants planted this year
- Harvest record
- Things to remember for next year
- 20 pages for your garden spells
As you can see, this is far more than just a planner! I also added little doodles on every page with a garden theme!
Here you can see the weekly page from the inside:

Get the „Witch Garden Planner“ here on Amazon, available as a paperback or hardcover book! (Affiliate link)
Plant Lore Journal
We created this journal to keep track of magickal plants, flowers and herbs. All in all, there is enough space for fifty plants as well as twenty spells!
This is what you will find inside the journal:
- Three index pages for the plants and spells
- 50 double pages for plants
- 20 spell record pages
On the plant journal pages you can write down the following:

- Plant name
- Botanical name
- Other names
- Description
- Where is it found?
- A place for a photo, drawing or pressed parts of the plant
- Preferred soil and location
- Care information
- Harvesting
- Warnings
- Notes
- Medical properties
- Practical uses
- Historical uses
- Magickal Properties (Gender, Chakra, Element, Astrological)
- Energies
- Magickal Correspondences
- Personal Magickal Experience
This plant lore journal will help you to write down all the wisdom and insights you collect when working with your plants easily!
This is the plant page inside the book:

Get the „Plant Lore Journal“ here on Amazon, available as a paperback or hardcover book! (Affiliate link)
My Witch Garden Notebook

This magical notebook fits perfectly in the series of our garden books. Here you can write down your magical notes, recipes, spells etc. around nature and your own garden! It has 100 dotted cream-colored pages in the handy format of 6×9 in. The notebook itself is protected by a special tree of life illustration which is printed on the first page.
Get the „My Witch Garden Notebook“ here on Amazon, available as a paperback or hardcover book! (Affiliate link)
Field Notes for Witches

We created this small notebook especially for field notes for outings in nature. It comes in the handy format of 5.5 x 8.5 in and has 100 dotted cream-colored pages. The notebook itself is protected by a special tree of life illustration which is printed on the first page.
Get the „ Field Notes for Witches“ here on Amazon, available as a paperback or hardcover book! (Affiliate link)